Avid Film Watcher Honestly Just Prefers Premiere

By Sarah Cortina

LOS ANGELES, CA — Local SCA (better known as “watch movie for grade”) student Martin Thompson states that he hates AVID and would rather use Premiere. 

“Yeah, I used to be in Annenberg, and they taught me how to use Premiere. But then I transferred into SCA because I wanted the connections —I mean valuable learning experience— and I don’t really like the way they’re making me edit for my 290.” Thompson is also confused by the difference of resources between the schools. “This is literally film school. You go to school to make visual art. Annenberg just teaches you how to run a celebrity’s Instagram. Why the fuck don’t I still get Creative Cloud for free?”

After shooting scenes for his film about gender and sexuality (based loosely on the first time he ever got head) for Visions of Diversity in the Cinematic Arts. Thompson reportedly had a lot to say in editing lab room SCA B120. Students report his commentary stated that AVID, the program used ubiquitously in production classes, is “fucking stupid” and that “the shit I edited on Premiere looks so much better.”

Following hours of confusion, Thompson opted to edit in Premiere anyways, using the login of one of the other two men in the Communication program. “They won’t be able to tell,” he said with confidence. 

Thompson’s professor could tell. He gave him an incomplete, and handed him back the assignment, with a stapled application to internally transfer back into Annenberg. While he was initially discouraged, his video went viral on TikTok, and he later received a job offer from A24.