USG Delays Vote, Claims only $92 Million needed to end Racism

by Staff

photo by Beverly B. Pham from Daily Trojan

USG SENATE — The big news on YikYak this week has been the recent USG Senate meeting, which featured a debate over President Rini Sampath’s proposed Campus Climate Resolution. It asks the University to appoint a Vice Dean of Diversity to the school’s administration, and re-allocate $100 million in funds toward scholarships for ethnically diverse students and more Diversity classes.

It is unclear at this time whether the Vice Dean’s yearly salary would be six digits or seven.

When the USG Senate decided to take another two weeks to vote, Sampath took to social media to publicly state her disappointment in USG’s representative body. But the Senate was quick to respond with a number of rational reasons for delaying the vote, notably:

“We think only $92 million is needed to end Racism at USC.”

Martin Gordley, a Senator who won his USG seat uncontested, noted that “$92,134,072.99 would be a much more appropriate sum of money to devote toward Diversity, and we risk losing close to $8 million if we’re not careful about this.”

Supporters of the resolution voraciously contested that such thinking was insulting. To suggest that Diversity is anything less than a $100 million cause is “something a Nazi would say.”

When asked why $100 million made any difference in comparison to a much more affordable $92 million, supporters scoffed and called this reporter “too privileged to understand.”

At press time, $100 Million was literally enough to lower every student’s 2015-16 tuition (grad and undergrad) by $5,000. Just thought that would be of interest, to everyone.