8 Normalized Things We Need To Start Sexualizing

By Finn Kobler

The last 2 years have been a tumultuous time for everyone politically and personally. Whether it be the global pandemic, the callous defense of police states, or that month and a half where we had to pretend John Krasinski’s web show was funny, nobody has made it from March 2020 to now without enduring at least one personal crisis. (We here at Sack have had 16 total!) One silver lining from this past year, however, is the collective normalization of natural beliefs and habits that our societies considered taboo up until this point.

But, honestly…is that enough? Being normal is good, but you know what’s even better? Being SEXY! As Socrates once said “nihil est vere acceptum nisi quod meum mingo durum” or, roughly translated, “nothing is truly acceptable unless it makes my pee pee hard.” So today, in honor of that loud little man, we’re acknowledging 8 normalized things that need to be sexualized ASAP to truly make the world a better place!